Sunday, May 08, 2005

On the road

All I really have to say is they make the best coffee in Louisana.

But I will also say, that I am doing well. I miss everyone. I am keeping a real journal. Maybe if I ever get the time, I will transfer thoughts from there to here. But I have a feeling my thoughts lose something tangible after a few days. I forget what I was talking about.

Went to a festival yesterday in Alexandria. The music was lacking and it made me miss Austin. But I did find the greateast Nag Champa Oil this side of the River.

On to Chalmet, LA today....Hoping to have a day in N'awlins at some point. I would call Linz but I don't have her number.

It's cloudy and thunderstorms are starting to lineup on the horizon. It's a beautiful day.


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhh, here you are. blessed be to the baby jesus with his angel wings and devil horns.

more love than you know,


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